Beyond business tourism in São Paulo

Tourism is usually associated with leisure and pleasure. However there are a lot of people who travel on business constantly as part of their job. People who are invited for trade shows, conferences or conventions, who need to close agreements, who are prospecting new customers and business opportunities, who must meet their peers in other international affiliates, who are supposed to follow some local projects up, etc.

These business travelers demand a well-organized agenda and outstanding services to help them to get a smooth trip with successful results. Understanding their priorities, their style and thinking are crucial aspects that can interfere positively in their busy routines and stressed journeys.

The new trend of customization of services that are incorporated by all of us nowadays has also hit the operational activities of business tourism. It is not enough to offer bilingual communication and efficient transportation with security.

The high profile international visitor is demanding extreme attention to details, specialized content in their native language and high quality background from their suppliers. Furthermore, the capacity of planning ahead to predict troubles by finding solutions to solve them and the sensitivity of dealing with cultural differences are other points that make huge difference in the evaluation of the corporate traveler.

They are also considering the intangible benefits related to the visit that involve the feeling of being welcome as well as saving time for what is important personally and the perception of eliminating stress. In a complex, vibrant and spread-out city like São Paulo comfort, safety and convenience make difference more and more.

Brooklin neighborhood - southweast of São Paulo, one of the important business centers of the city that comprises high technology international companies  - Photo from Percival Tirapeli

Paulista Ave. neighborhood - central south of São Paulo, a dynamic financial business center that also concentrates commercial, residential and entertainment sectors

Depending on their occupation, position and skills the business professionals travel alone, however sometimes they have the opportunity to bring the spouse or husband, the children, a relative or a friend. As tourists, this profile of visitor is in search of authenticity, comfort and unique experiences. After all who does not want to be surprised?

SPin Brazil Tours can provide tailor-made services that focus on the best of São Paulo attractions approaching several aspects. Certainly there will be one that can be of your interest.

Eliana Souza - SPin Brazil Tours